Apply online for FSSAI Food license. Fill in the form below and click Submit.

Registration Form

Personal Details
Business Details
Click here to know more about nature of business


  1. Name of Person : Fill the name of Person according to official documents.आधिकारिक दस्तावेजों के अनुसार व्यक्ति / व्यवसाय का नाम भरें।

  2. Email Id : Fill registered email id of business. व्यवसाय या व्यक्तिगत की पंजीकृत ईमेल आईडी भरें।

  3. Mobile Number : Fill Mobile No.मोबाइल नंबर भरें।

  4. Applicant's Address : Fill applicant's address.आवेदक का पूरा पता भरें।

  5. Name of Business : Fill the name of business according to official documents.आधिकारिक दस्तावेजों के अनुसार व्यवसाय का नाम भरें।

  6. Nature of Business : Select Nature of Business.व्यवसाय की प्रकृति का चयन करें।

  7. Address : Fill the Address properly.पूरा पता भरें।

  8. City : Fill Your City. अपने शहर का नाम भरें।

  9. State : Fill Your State. अपने राज्य का नाम भरें।

  10. District : Fill Your District. अपने जिले का नाम भरें।

  11. Pincode : Fill Your area Pincode. अपने क्षेत्र का पिनकोड भरें।

  12. Number of years : Select number of years for registration. कितने वर्षों के लिए पंजीकरण करना है चुनें।

  13. License Type : Select type of license based on the annual sales. सालाना बिक्री के आधार पर अपने लाइसेंस का प्रकार चुनें।

  14. Any other details : Enter any other details (if any). अन्य कोई विवरण (यदि हो तो) भरें।

Is your food license expiring soon?

Renew FSSAI License

Procedure to get FSSAI License Certificate

One can apply for FSSAI License and obtain certificate in 4-simple steps, as described below:

Fill application form
Make payment
Exeutive processes application
Get certificate through email

Get an FSSAI License for your food business today!

Register Now

Benefits of having an FSSAI Registration Certificate

Registration for FSSAI License and obtaining certificate provide legal benefits, ascertain food safety, helps in building brand goodwill and creating consumer awareness. It also helps in business expansion. A food business with FSSAI registration easily attracts investors.

The Fodd Business Operators can use FSSAI logo on the food products which ensures the quality of food to the customers. Food premises with FSSAI registration number indicate that the premises comply with the hygiene and quality standards.

Instant Apply - Get FSSAI Registration & certificate instantly

(Application through our expert assistant)

Get FSSAI registration done and obtain certificate directly through email right in your inbox. Start with your name and phone number. Send your details to us. Our executive will call you and get your FSSAI registration done at your convenience.

Easily get FSSAI registration and certificate

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Frequently Asked Question?

Read our FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) section to know more about what's FSSAI and how to register for FSSAI License and get certificate.

FSSAI stands for Food Safety & Standards Authority of India which regulates the food safety and standards guidelines so as to provide consumers with quality foods.

Any food business operator involved in manufacturing, processing and storage of food products is required to have a food license usually referred to as FSSAI license. Click here to know details about the nature of business.

FSSAI in India issue three type of licence:
1. Basic registration (for businesses with turnover below 12 lakhs)
2. State registration (for businesses with turnover above 12 lakhs & below 20 crores)
3. Central registration (for businesses with turnover above 20 crores)

Fee for FSSAI License varies between ₹100/- and ₹7500/- depending upon the license type applied for. For basic registration ₹100/-, for state license ₹2500-₹5000 and for central license ₹7500/-

Any food business operator can apply for FSSAI license with a minimum of 1 year and maximum of 5 years tennure.

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A local license is issued to petty food retailers, dhaba owners, street food vendors, hotels and restaurants, marketer, home based food or tiffin service, club or canteen, manufacturer/wholesaler/retailer/supplier/transporter of food items with turnover less than 12 lakh where as the state license is issued to medium scale businesses with turnover above 12 lakh upto 20 Crore and large scale business with turnover above 20 Crore are issued central license. You can apply for any license depending upon the size of your business.

There is no difference between Food Safety Systems Act, Food Safety and Sanitation Law, and Food License. All these contains same meaning.

Yes, food licence is mandatory for all entities who are engaged in manufacturing/storage/supply/transporting of foods.

Applicants must file a reactivation request with the State Food Safety Commissioner within three months of rejection of the licence date as mentioned in the certificate.

One should apply for the renewal of food license before 30 days of its expiry.

How can we help you!

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